Your monthly message from the Editor
Welcome to the April Edition of The Hub Capricorn Coast! Personally, April is one of my favourite months of the year. It may be because I will be celebrating a birthday this month, but I also love the season that comes with April. The weather generally starts to cool off a little and the coast puts on an amazing display for us. I am so excited to bring to you the 21st edition of The Hub Capricorn Coast.
Each month the community continues to inspire me with the depth of incredible people we have here. This month’s edition has a new-look and there’s lots of goodness headed your way. You will notice some changes in our layout in an effort to make the magazine cleaner and more user-friendly for reading online and from mobile devices.
We are growing up over here too and in the next few weeks will be pressing the ‘go live’ button on our website. I’ve been busy working away on it in the background to give you a one-stop-shop for all of your local community news and information and of course, easier access to reading The Hub Capricorn Coast. Keep an eye out on the socials to see when it is live and make sure you check it out!
In the21st Edition, we have for you the wrap up from our International Women’s Day Celebrations, plus hear from local businesswoman Katie Connor of The Honey Bee Collective, Ebany King shares with us her new and exciting offering of ‘Sip & See’, learn more about Samantha Lee prints and how her business was born. Plus hear from your favourite regular columnists with their exciting and informative columns. Keep your eyes peeled for some exclusive offers and discounts for our readers.
Make sure you check out our school holiday activity special as well as the event directory. There are a wide range of activities for everyone. Plus we have new additions to our business directory, so be sure to check that out!
Recently while flicking through some course material from the I-Activate Course I completed last year, I was reminded of the vision that forms the foundation of The Hub
Capricorn Coast – Fostering wellbeing, kindness and connection within the community of the Capricorn Coast while providing easy access to valuable local, wellbeing information, resources and events in collaboration with and in support of local small businesses.
Over the coming months, you’ll see a few changes happening with things becoming more aligned and integrated with our vision to provide information that is easy to access. Sometimes it’s good to stop, pause and re-evaluate to see if the direction you thought you wanted to head is still the right way and if any adjustments need to be made to help streamline the process. I believe this to be true not just in business, but in life as well.
Wishing you and your family a safe break over Easter. I hope that you get to take some time out to rest, pause and rejuvenate.
Looking forward to checking in with you again in May.