Experience Energetic Healing with Kelly from FelkEather

Kelly from Felk Eather, Yeppoon

Sensitive Empath Kelly Vains from FelkEather provides energetic healing in her calm and serene space upstairs at 3/22 James Street. Recently, I had the privilege of experiencing a session with Kelly so that I could share with you the benefits of working with an energetic healer.

Kelly’s presence is calm and warm. Her room inviting and comfortable, the perfect space to surrender. Before my session, I was feeling very stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted from life and all the hats that I had been wearing. Kelly made sure that I was comfortable throughout the process, and I am certain I may have even started snoring there at one point as my body was able to completely relax for the first time in a very long time!

Kelly is an energetic healer who is trauma informed with a background in counselling. She takes on a collaborative approach and works with her team of guides to help you access the deep energetic layers that is holding onto or storing trauma in the body. The process that Kelly uses is somewhat like reiki, however there is no touching of the body at any stage, making it very unique. Establishing safety and holding deep space for deep nervous system work form part of Kelly’s ethics. By allowing the body to be seen and heard, it allows the story to be processed and shifted.

Quantum Healing Tools are used throughout the process to support the nervous system through processes of clearing energetic cording, energetic enmeshment and helping the body to move out of the hypervigilant stage of survival.

Kelly believes that we should be having more conversations about energy and that grounding should be a part of our daily lives, as so many of us aren’t grounded. Grounding can be as simple as spending a few minutes outside, barefoot on the grass to allow the body to connect in with the earth’s electrical currents. Life is so busy and hectic these days and this is a simple, yet beautiful and effective way of reconnecting with your body and breath.

Throughout my session I felt completely safe and relaxed as Kelly and her team of guides worked together. Afterwards I felt very relaxed and at peace, a feeling that I hadn’t experienced in quite some time. When I got home afterwards, I had the longest nap I had had in quite a while and continued to feel more at peace and at ease. If you’re feeling frazzled and scattered, I would highly recommend connecting with Kelly and having a chat about how you may benefit from working with her. Head to https://www.facebook.com/FelkEather or email info@felkeather.com

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