By Heidi Reeves – RisingSol Astrology
November 16th sees the moon enter Scorpio’s opposite sign of Taurus, bringing us the Full Moon in this Earth sign.
While the Watery energy of Scorpio and the earthly feel of Taurus can create a sense of stability, we also have the planet Uranus influencing the Moon and throwing that energy off a little!
While Taurus asks us to settle into the simplicity that life has to offer and to slow down, the electrical energy that Uranus can bring may have us feeling a little more scattered and spontaneous…… Not always a negative thing (depending on your chart). This may give you the chance to change up some of the mundane areas of your life OR, it may have you feeling a little highly strung.
Taurus rules our values, finances and our sense of safety and self worth so with Uranus’s unpredictable energy lingering near by this is not the time for dramatic Decision making, maybe give it a day or two and let it marinade before jumping in too quickly.
A good time to release those limiting money beliefs and negative self talk patterns that may be holding you back from feeling your best self.
Fixed signs will feel this one the most, the same as the New Moon in Scorpio. If you have your sun, moon or rising sign in Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius.
Take on some off Taurus’s love f the simple lie and take some time in nature during this Lunation.